Vertebrate Pest Control.

At Rafferty Contracting, we understand the importance of vertebrate pest control operations for maintaining your farming operation, That’s why we offer a range of services to help you manage feral animals and problem vertebrate pests on your property.

Our shooting services involve the eradication of feral animals and problem pests through humane and safe methods. Our experienced team can conduct shooting operations in a manner that minimizes stress and discomfort for the animals, while also ensuring that your property is protected.

We also provide trapping services, erecting and monitoring specialized traps designed to catch feral pests. Our team will dispatch and dispose of the pests in a safe and hygienic manner, ensuring that your property is free from the negative impacts of these pests.

At Rafferty Contracting, we take pride in our vertebrate pest control services and strive to provide top-quality care for your property. We understand that feral animals and problem pests can have a significant impact on your farming operation, and we work hard to ensure that your property is protected from these negative effects.

So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your vertebrate pest control needs. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a customized plan that meets your specific requirements and helps you achieve your goals.